Elrond Smith prica: Vesti iz IT sveta, nauka, tehnologija i istrazivanje svemira
:: Chamber of Secrets :: Nauka
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Elrond Smith prica: Vesti iz IT sveta, nauka, tehnologija i istrazivanje svemira
Kako mi je malo konfuzno da jurim po gomili topica ovdje odlucio sam da napravim svoj jedinstveni topic koji ce sadrzati sve moje postove na ovu temu.
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Svako je dobrodosao da se pridruzi.
Kako forum ima sistem pracenja novih poruka lako je pratiti kada ja ili neko drugi doda nesto ili neki komentar
Elrond Smith- Officer
- Broj poruka : 566
Datum upisa : 12.07.2013
Re: Elrond Smith prica: Vesti iz IT sveta, nauka, tehnologija i istrazivanje svemira
J. Craig Venter - vodeci naucnik u oblasti istrazivanja gena i genoma
Kako zaista sve to funkcionise u najjacoj privatnoj "laboratoriji" na svijetu
Malo poduzi govor, ali vrijedi ga pogledati ako se zeli znati u kom pravcu se krecu ova istrazivanja i kakvog mogu/ce imati uticaja na zivot nas i nasih potomaka u skorijoj buducnosti
J. Craig Venter on Synthetic Biology at NASA Ames
Kako zaista sve to funkcionise u najjacoj privatnoj "laboratoriji" na svijetu
Malo poduzi govor, ali vrijedi ga pogledati ako se zeli znati u kom pravcu se krecu ova istrazivanja i kakvog mogu/ce imati uticaja na zivot nas i nasih potomaka u skorijoj buducnosti
J. Craig Venter on Synthetic Biology at NASA Ames
Elrond Smith- Officer
- Broj poruka : 566
Datum upisa : 12.07.2013
Re: Elrond Smith prica: Vesti iz IT sveta, nauka, tehnologija i istrazivanje svemira
Traganje za drugim planetama
Elrond Smith- Officer
- Broj poruka : 566
Datum upisa : 12.07.2013
Re: Elrond Smith prica: Vesti iz IT sveta, nauka, tehnologija i istrazivanje svemira
malo detaljnije o njoj i sta zaista predstavlja
malo detaljnije o njoj i sta zaista predstavlja
Elrond Smith- Officer
- Broj poruka : 566
Datum upisa : 12.07.2013
Re: Elrond Smith prica: Vesti iz IT sveta, nauka, tehnologija i istrazivanje svemira
Green Float botanical city
Shimizu, a Japanese technology company, designed the Green Float concept as “floating cities in the sky” that would be self-sufficient and carbon-negative, allowing mankind to live harmoniously with nature. Each floating cell district has a radius of .62 miles that can house 10,000 to 50,000 people. Joining these districts would form a city of 100,000, and a group of modules would constitute a country. The towers in the center of each district are structured with residences and hospitals at the periphery, offices and commercial facilities in the center, and plants growing along the tower. Carbon dioxide and waste water from the urban areas become nutrients for the plants, and grains, livestock and fish live along the base and ocean shallows of the tower. Green Float is powered via solar energy, ocean thermal energy conversion and wind and wave technologies, and such cities would be located along the equator where the climate is stable and not prone to hurricanes.
Shimizu, a Japanese technology company, designed the Green Float concept as “floating cities in the sky” that would be self-sufficient and carbon-negative, allowing mankind to live harmoniously with nature. Each floating cell district has a radius of .62 miles that can house 10,000 to 50,000 people. Joining these districts would form a city of 100,000, and a group of modules would constitute a country. The towers in the center of each district are structured with residences and hospitals at the periphery, offices and commercial facilities in the center, and plants growing along the tower. Carbon dioxide and waste water from the urban areas become nutrients for the plants, and grains, livestock and fish live along the base and ocean shallows of the tower. Green Float is powered via solar energy, ocean thermal energy conversion and wind and wave technologies, and such cities would be located along the equator where the climate is stable and not prone to hurricanes.
Elrond Smith- Officer
- Broj poruka : 566
Datum upisa : 12.07.2013
:: Chamber of Secrets :: Nauka
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